White sand, blue waters, naughty cocktails, sea shells... Hmmmnnn
Sexy mini,fine wine, poetic and starry nights... Aaahh
Badass shorts, insane heels, wild gambling, high-end flirting... Wow!!!
I'm not going bananas (hahaha). Those are my fantasies right now before I pick which becomes reality for me. I'm talking of a vacation, darling!!!
Seychelles, Paris, or Vegas... I'm being pulled in every direction. Long throat is a wonderful thing! If I could, I would visit all of the above. Has the time for my reward not arrived? I should be having 6-month vacations twice a year, don't you agree? I didn't sign up to be a teacher so I can have my reward in heaven. I will appreciate them right now, thank you very much. God still has gifts waiting for me. I am not greedy to want a double dose. I am a very simple chic.
By the way, abeg abeg abeg, my fellow lagosians... WTH happened on sunday? That rain was badass!!! Started as a joke oh. Infact, I had made plans to drive Ivy to the airport so she could go see her fam in abuja before returning to New York at the end of the month. I had no idea how bad the rain was because I was holed up in my study working on a promo for one of my clients. My blackberry was not with me, or I would have seen some of the many broadcasts sent to my phone about the seriousness of the rain. Ol' boy, heaven vex oh!!!
Anyway, I did not come out of the study till Ivy pounded on the door so we could get going. I hurriedly threw some clothes on, grabbed my car keys and went downstairs. As I drove out, na river naija dey wait me for road. See flood eh!!! Feeling like a bonafide lagos driver, I manouevered my way through the water and drove out of the estate and towards Kingsway road. I was at Golden Gate when Somi called me.
"Madam how far? Una still dey house?" She asked
"No mami. We are on the road now. Kingsway." I replied
"Abeg make una no vex, turn back go house. Dem talk say high tension pole fall for 3rd mainland bridge, and Fashola don talk say make everybody dey indoors. Dis rain no be beans. Ivy can re-schedule her flight. Infact send me the details so I can do it right now. No airline in their right mind would even fly in this weather." Somi rapped with lots of drama
Sharp sharp, I took the next turn back towards falomo and safety. I explained the reason behind my move to Ivy, and Ivy who can shake at the slightest sound, didn't even raise a murmur in opposition. Hehe. Back to warmth for me. On getting home, I checked my BB and saw the crazy messages on BBM and twitter. Ali Baba cracked me up the most.
It was funny to indulge in jokes about the rain and floods. After-all that is what we do best as Nigerians, abi? We laugh when the sky is falling on our heads and invent crazy jokes to flow with it. However, the people that died as a result of the flood, are not an issue for laughter. My sympathy goes out to their family and friends. May the souls of the departed find rest in the after- life.
I refuse to end today on a sad note. So, I'm going to do my signature chicken dance while I plan my vacation. I wonder if I can talk Somi and Vixen into going with me. Talk to y'all later, people!!!
Hugs and hershey kisses!!!!
My Messy Road to Not Drinking
17 hours ago
The lagos flood was not even funny oh X_x Good thing you could go home. Lol at the vacation- how about cloning so you can experience all at once :D
And thanks for visiting my blog :)
Muse Origins (formerly The Corner Shop)
Muse Origins
Hmmmnnn... Do you know where I can get cloned? Abeg oh, I seriously am gbaduing the three options now!! Hehehe.
You are welcome babes, enjoyed your blog and the work you are doing there.
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