Igbedu! Groove!! Gosh, this is the life!! I should be living this every week. Infact, I have grooved to the point that I deserve an honorary spa treatment. First it was the Ibeshe beach groove with Swe lovers, then the company dinner that was held at the Four Points (food toh badt!), and then, wait for it... The WizKid #Superstar album launch!! It was Crazy!!!!!!!! Performances that rocked the venue... WizKid, BankyW, D'Banj, De Prince, Lynx,... Ooossseee!!! Deji of Modex Lounge was there. Have I ever told you of Modex Lounge? That lounge is the ish! And the thought of their peppered snails is making me feel gluttonous right now. #Modex #Modex #ModexLounge baby!!!
Err... I was talking about my weekend, abi? Focus Miz, focus. Too much groove is not good for my concentration. Ok... Back on track! If you do not have WizKid's album yet, you are on a dulling level!! Shout out to E.M.E records, baby!!!!!!! Too much swag on point!! Abeg, come and sign me up too. I sing wonderfully in the shower. It has always been my belief that that is the making of a superstar. Gbam!
The party moved on to Rehab, and I am almost in tears now that I did not make it there. I would have moved these sexy hips of mine like an arabian dancer seeking the king's favor. Wa gba!! Unfortunately, I had to leave because of work today #sadmuch.
The company dinner was off the hook. To my date for the night, Ugo a.k.a I Am Seke... Mwuuuaaahhh!! Mwuuuuaaahhhhhhh!!!! You represented me exquisitely. For those of you who don't know, UgoSeke is ex-Miss Imo State, ex-Miss LaCasera MBGN, and active beauty queen. The babe hot die!! H.R.M almost swooned when he saw two of us together. His eyes were darting back and forth. He finally shuffled away. I think the heat was too much! Hahahahahahahaa!!!
Aarrrrggghhh... Talk of the devil. HRM is calling me. I will just tell him I am on the phone with a client. Ssshhh... Don't go telling on me now. By the way, it just occured to me that I have no pictures of me from yesterday. That's a shame. As hot as I looked, smh. I know why though...
I met someone at the dinner!! I have been restraining myself. Seriously. Now I just have to say. He was at the Ikoyi boat club that day. I saw him. He didn't see me. Somi pointed him out to me. He's like crazily wealthy and that is why Somi knows him. And my oh my *fansSelf*... He's hot!! Your girl is in blissdom Oh! The whole effort for this dinner paid off. He's sending his driver to pick me up for us to have dinner together tonight. Will you please do the chicken dance on my behalf?!
Ooohhh... I'm ready to shoot HRM. He's calling me again. I have to go this time, but you bet we will talk soon! Peace, love, and hershey kisses!!
My Messy Road to Not Drinking
16 hours ago
Hahaha!!! Another great read!!!!
Lola x
Mwuuahh Lola!!!
Mad, Mad woman. What drug does she use????
Hahahaha!!!! If I do drugs, my craze will enter gear 4!! I am high on life. It is that simple and I wish I could say ordinary, but divas like me don't do ordinary. Hehehe.
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