I know I shouldn't have done it, but truth be told, I am pretty sure I would do it all over again if I were taken back in time! Yezzzuuurrrrr...!!! Last night was wickedt!!!
You must be wondering what I'm on today, but right now all I want to do is bust some moves right here in the boardroom... Errr, okay that's not technically true. Because, the only move I feel like doing right now is stretching out to sleep for at least 10hours. Uninterrupted. Instead I am stuck here in the boardroom for an impromptu meeting that has already lasted an hour. Worst part is, this is the most boring meeting ever. This man just keeps droning on and on like a mosquito, I think.
I seem to have lost my train of thought. Umm... Yeah. Last night! Last night was epic and I'd do it all over again (don't be mad, mama!). I was all tucked in for bed last night when my phone rang. It was Seke.
"Chic, you don dey sleep?" (That's Seke for you. She launches straight into convo)
"Just about to actually. I don lie down. This one you dey call me by 11:30pm, any better?"
"Hahaha. Wake up and get dressed jor! We are going out. O. F is in town."
The way I jumped out of the bed ehn!! You'd think she told me they are distributing dollars at falomo, which actually is almost same thing. When O. F is in town, things get popped!! He's Seke's very good friend and he sure knows how to deliver groove. He's rarely in the country, so now that he is... Your girl wasn't going to waste any time thinking of work tomorrow when I know I can down endless cups of coffee. Either I took leave of my senses, or my senses took leave of me because I'm suffering the side effects now. Chai!
I quickly got dressed and ran down to enter the cab that Seke sent to pick me up. I didn't even pause to see the type of cab. If na kidnap attempt, you'd have heard the ransom demand today because I would have made it so easy for them to take me. Hehehe. Please don't preach at me. My head hurts already.
So clubs are busy even on mondays? I just found out yesterday oh. We went to Aura, and it was filled! Kai Lagos, my Lagos...! See as all those bouncers started shouting around when they recognized O.F. Hehe. It's nice to be a star oh.
As expected, champagne flowed like water, and honestly I took just 2 glasses. I am not that stupid. Lol. But I danced like I'd be given an award. Reminds me of my childhood when I was still learning to dance. I'd be dancing so much (and quite energetically too), my mom would keep cheering me on "Go baby. Dance very well. When you are done I will give you parecetamol". Lmao I have never stopped dancing and I am now a pro. Lol
Best of all though, was the company. O.F is excellent company and together with his boys, I had many good laughs.
"Damn!! How long has this man been asking me a question? I am so in it"
My Messy Road to Not Drinking
17 hours ago
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