Sometimes it absolutely sucks being a female. Seriously. It is a lovely saturday morning, I'm supposed to be making sandwiches in preparation for my picnic date with Seke, Somi, and the rest of my girls. Instead of singing along with Whitney or any other diva I can slot into the CD, and gyrating my hips while making dozens of sandwiches, I am curled up in bed with endless cups of chamomile tea and ibuprofen that has not started to work! AaaaarrrrgGggggHhhh...!!! Errr... Did I say dozens of sandwiches just now? Hehehehehee. Just five of us and I am thinking dozens of sandwiches. Must be because I did not have dinner, and haven't gotten around to having breakfast either.
On the brighter side, HRM let me off early yesterday because he thought I'd earned it and dang!!! I sure had. To celebrate my success at not screaming these past two weeks (just kidding, I love my job), I paid a visit to the just-opened Etam store at The Palms. Okay, so they are giving "Fundermentals" a serious run for their money. You bet I got me some racy secrets in shades of red, purple, and black. I didn't think to ask, but I wonder if they stock satin sheets. I must simply buy one. I was a very good girl yesterday and I didn't even stop to check out shoes. I had to run out before the traffic became murderous! The rains have been crazy this year hence we have had crazy floods on the island. Na wa o. I go soon pack comot but I cannot live on the mainland jor. If only the government would build us standard drainage systems!
Drat!! I need to get out of this bed. Seke will soon be here and she will scream holy murder if I am still in bed. Never mind the cramps, she will just throw one more ibuprofen down my throat and then throw me into the bathroom. I just remembered that I have to go with her to the salon to make her hair. Today is the MBGN 2011 pageant finalé and I have to help her get prepared. All of this, and I have to make these sandwiches first! Alright my darlings, it is time to drink some whisky!!! I have to giddy-up! XoXo
My Messy Road to Not Drinking
16 hours ago
"...gyrating my hips..." a reverred joy of being a female.
Yeah... those are the little perks we consider when groaning in pain every month. hehehe
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