Yoo-Hooooo!!!!! Where is everyone at? Miz is here!!! *Did I hear a "Hallelujah!"?* I am truly so sorry I have been absent but it is not my fault... HRM has had me working like a slave!
..."Miz, that presentation has to be sent in to the client today. I know the deadline is still a week off, but be a darling and have it ready for presentation today."
"I am sorry this is impromptu, Miz. My PA has booked you on the 1:45pm flight to abuja. The client needs to meet with us, and you are the best person to represent us. You return with the last flight..."
Haba!!! That man has a motive and I am going to discover what it is. I have this gut feeling that he is punishing me for showing him two gorgeous females (me included, of course) and letting him know he cannot have any. If na that one, wahala dey O! Because he will keep overloading me with work. I can work my way around it jor. Just a few smiles in his direction should do the trick. He's like Diva my adorable doggie. A few smiles and a pat on the head will have him wagging his tail again... Did I hear someone say "WOOF"? By the way, just so you know... Show HRM this post and you are barbeque.
Down to better gist jare. I love my life. There's never a dull moment. People around me entertain me endlessly. Allen was it for me this past weekend. She always has unbelievable gist. Sometimes I cannot help but wonder how fast her mind is to be able to fabricate juicy gists in a matter of minutes! Don't tell her I said so, but sometimes her gists are downright ridiculous. I will give you the gist in my next post because the story long no be small!
In other news, the abuja trip was not so bad after all because you-know-who was also in abuja and upgraded my return ticket to first class. More leg room and baggage allowance for me because I came back with "gifts" Life truly is bliss *aaaahhh...* Now if only the day could speed up. Is it still monday? Aaarrgghhh!!!
My Messy Road to Not Drinking
16 hours ago
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